Anxiety And Depression - What Is Depression?

Greg is once again joined by Matt, Brent, Rebekah, and Katie as they talk through what depression is, how it affects people, and what the Bible says about depression.

With a rise in depression in students, and the subject of depression being on a lot of people's minds these days, Greg and Fellowship's counseling department start their conversation on depression with Brent as he dives in with some statistics and facts about depression.


Matt joins and speaks into the expectations of perfection in teens and young adults, and how that can lead to anxiety and depression. Greg also mentions how young peoples' foundations can be shaken when they move away from home or are learning things for themselves instead of relying on their family unit. Katie brings up Instagram and how the social media platform can cause issues in depression and self worth if you let it.


From there, the team consider depression in adults, with Greg sharing that depression can hit adults in their forties and fifties because their options in life are getting slimmer. Matt says that he thinks some of it is a hope issue for people in that area of life; you have to redefine your goals, he says, so that your goals are based on the things God has for you, not the things you think you lost.


Rebekah tells listeners more information about depression and shares some Biblical passages about depression and darker periods of our lives. Matt also joins in and shares that depression can also lead to feelings of numbness. Brent references a book by Paul David Tripp.


This leads into Matt spending some time sharing the difference between sadness and clinical depression. He compares sadness to lamenting, and references the book of Jeremiah as an example. Matt and Katie also convey that emotions are often signals that there's something else going on at a deeper level, and it's not healthy to leave those untreated. Matt encourages listeners to watch out for certain signals and to seek help if they need it.


Greg closes with the story of Lazarus, and how God ordains seasons in our lives for our good, even when it may not feel like it at the time.


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Anxiety And Depression - What Is Depression?
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