All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 30 of 37 in total
- Welcome to Open Door
Matt and Katie take time to explain where the name Open Door comes from, when listeners can expect episodes, how the topics will be discussed, and what the first serie...

Anxiety And Depression - Understanding Anxiety
When is anxiety healthy and helpful, and when does it cross the line into hurtful? How do I help my children walk through anxious emotions? Is there anything that the ...

Anxiety And Depression - Walking Through Anxiety
Could anxiety deepen our relationship with God? This is the central question in this episode as Greg, Brent, Matt, Rebekah, and Katie dive into anxiety and what the Lo...

Anxiety And Depression - What Is Depression?
Greg is once again joined by Matt, Brent, Rebekah, and Katie as they talk through what depression is, how it affects people, and what the Bible says about depression.

Anxiety And Depression - Walking Through Depression
In their last episode of the series, Greg, Rebekah, Brent, Matt, and Katie talk practical ways of dealing with depression, finding hope in God, and how to help loved o...

The Thanksgiving Table and Conflict
With the holidays coming up, Fellowship's counseling department takes time to discuss how to handle conflict.

Filling the Gap: Comparison and the Holidays
In their final episode for the holidays, Fellowship's counseling department looks at dealing with expectations, filling our needs, and turning to God with our desires.

Grieving and the 'Most Wonderful Time of the Year'
How do you walk through grief and loss around the holiday season with family? This is the question that the counseling department tackles in this episode.

Emotionally Healthy Relationships
In their first episode about relationships, Fellowship staff talk about emotionally healthy relationships, and putting your significance in Christ, not in your friends.

Singleness is Not a Problem
For their second relationship episode, the group discusses being emotionally healthy while being single, and how to find fulfillment and joy in Christ while being sing...

A Christ-Centered Marriage
In their third episode on healthy relationships, Matt, Katie, Stacie, and Clark look at ways to have an emotionally healthy marriage, as well as warning signs that a m...

Sexuality and The Gospel
In their last episode of this series, the group discuss sexuality, in both a marriage and in singleness.

Parenting: Trailer
Matt and Katie discuss the upcoming batch of episodes on Parenting.

Parenting: Young Children
Matt & Katie are joined by Kevin and Kristi to talk about parenting young children through things like boundaries, exploring their personalities and gifts, and explain...

Parenting: Adolescents
Matt and Katie discuss parenting adolescents, with Kevin and Blair, by focusing on this age group's heart cry of autonomy and freedom.

Parenting: Young Adults
In their final episode of the series, Matt and Katie are joined by Kevin and Karen to discuss parenting young adults and helping them with their heart cry of "I want t...

The Gifts of Maleness and Femaleness: Trailer
Matt and Katie discuss the upcoming batch of episodes on the gifts of masculinity and femininity.

The Gifts of Femaleness - Part 1
Katie and Matt are joined by Sarah Pattison and Makayla McCartney to discuss what it means to be made in the image of God as a female and being open, inviting and nour...

The Gifts of Femaleness - Part 2
Katie and Matt are joined by Sarah Pattison and Makayla McCartney to continue their discussion on what it means to be made in the image of God as a female and being op...

The Gifts of Maleness - Part 1
Katie and Matt are discussing the gifts embodied in maleness with JC Neely (Katie’s husband) and Jarrod Justice. JC is an associate lead pastor at Fellowship Church an...

The Gifts of Maleness - Part 2
Katie and Matt are continuing their discussion on the gifts embodied in maleness with JC Neely (Katie’s husband) and Jarrod Justice. JC is an associate lead pastor at ...

Introduction to Hot Emotions
Some emotions have the ability to take over; we can't think straight when we're feeling them so intensely. We call these "hot emotions" and we are joined by Kevin Hugg...

Hot Emotions - Anger
Today, Matt and Katie are joined by Kevin Huggins and Rebekah Wilson from the Biblical Life Counseling Center at Fellowship Church as they discuss the "white, hot emot...

Hot Emotions - Shame
Shame is a much-discussed in our culture but what is it actually? Where might it be short-circuiting our lives? And how can shame even be seen as a gift? All of those ...

Introduction to Grief
Grief. We all know it. But knowing that doesn't make it any easier. Today, Matt and Katie discuss what grief is and the good role that God has given it in our lives.

Grief - A Conversation with R.D. McClenagan
What do we do with the rawness from grief? What if we're angry at God? And what are we to say to people who are in the midst of grief? These are three topics that came...

Grief - A Conversation with Lauren Morgan
Today we're joined by Lauren Morgan who shares her journey with grief in losing a baby and how she has learned to share that journey with others going through similar ...

The Pain of Disappointment
It shouldn't be this way; in all stages of life we are met with experiences of disappointment and more often than not, it's from our closest relationships. Today Matt ...

Disappointment in Marriage w/ Jarrod Justice
What happens when the person closest to us fails us? What happens when they do something that hurts, bothers, annoys or crushes us? How do we move towards each other a...

Disappointment in Family w/ Tara Havely
You can choose your friends, you can't choose your family right? Yet family is often our first experience of community so it would hold true that this is a place where...