The Pain of Disappointment

It shouldn't be this way; in all stages of life we are met with experiences of disappointment and more often than not, it's from our closest relationships. Today Matt and Katie want to help us see while disappointment is inevitable, in Christ it becomes a gift which, handled well, can lead us deeper into the heart of the Savior.
It shouldn't be this way; in all stages of life we are met with experiences of disappointment and more often than not, it's from our closest relationships. Today Matt and Katie want to help us see while disappointment is inevitable, in Christ it becomes a gift which, handled well, can lead us deeper into the heart of the Savior. 

Matt references Romans 7-8.

Matt references the show Dopesick.

Matt references Hebrews 4.

Matt references Jesus in the Garden which can be found in: 

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Find more about Matt Scheuneman here or find him on social media.
Find more about Katie Neely here or find her on social media.  
The Pain of Disappointment
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